Sunday, August 30, 2009

Classics – Don’t Delete

For me a movie experience is everything – PERIOD.

I don’t remember the first one i watched, but i recon it was at a very very young age. But now a good veiwing is all i need to give me that wonderful feeling which makes me wanna sigh, exhale and shout out BEAUUUTIFULL, MIND BLOWING, ULTIMATE... that’s all i look for.

I have my own way of categorizing or say rating the movies i watched.

1. Classic
A movie which pushes limits, which gives me that wonderful feeling, a feeling better than delicious hot food when i’m starved, a smile that appears wen i see a loved one, an opening which prods me to express my feelings like i’m in the privacy of my home- ALONE. That’s a classic for me. The one’s a put in a folder for later re-Viewing.

2. Good
For a movie to qualify as – GOOD, is not so difficult a task, nevertheless not too easy either, all they need is to have talent. For me if the movie is something that’s never bin done or seen before, else if it’s done or seen before but the way it’s presented is superbly refreshing ELSEEE if neither of this is done still it does a small something to impress u (can’t be specific here) THEN IT”S A GOOD MOVIE. The difference between a good and a classic here is, i sit and think after the movie to determine if the movie is a good one or not. Whereas in case of classic it’s already awarded to it by the time the movie reaches it’s climax.

3. Crap
Movie which don’t fall in either of the above categories, movies which make u wonder how much money the producer’s have to throw around, movies which on reading it’s reviews which give u a breif idea about how it’s script looked like and makes u wonder what did the director and cast see in this crap plot which gave them the confidence to go ahead and throw their reputations off the building, these are the kind of movies which run on HYPE rather than talent, these are the movies which if someone says that they liked it – u stop speaking to them about movies ever ever again. I Hope u got the point.


1. Classics – 12 ANGRY MEN, Godfather, Bourne Ultimatum, DEV D, Swades, Closer, Good will Hunting, Fight Club, A walk to remember, into the wild, Schindler’s list, many of Big B’s Classics, TLOR etc etc

2. Good Movies – Dark knight, the hunting party, August Rush, JWM, Death @ a funeral, 3:10 to yuma, Gone Baby Gone, Seven, Dead Poet’s Society, etc etc

3. Crap – All “SHIFT + DELEted” ones

P.S : For all DARK KNIGHT fans, it’s not by error that it lies in the GOOD category, nor is it put on par with the other movies listed in that or any other movie category. Claiming that the movie is a classic is unacceptable just because of the simple fact that if u remove the HYPE that blinds the viewer’s u can see the numerous flaws that show up every now and then. It has it’s share of powerful performances (read as ONLY HEATH LEDGER) no doubt but it fails on some front’s. Greatest Comic Book Movie u say?? True, but easily beatable.

1 comment:

shiva dainak said...

dude, u missed 'good friday' 'sarkar' in classic list.