Monday, January 17, 2011

The GENIUS within

Defn: An exceptional natural capacity of intellect, especially as shown in creative and original work in science, art, music.

This, my friends is a screwed up version of the real meaning of the term Genius. Genius as a real thing is not a person or his exceptional ability to do something. It’s an instance of an external phenomenon that transcends into a being. Now now, bear with me here. I’m not trying to intellectualize some concept but to explain you one which really came across as a revelation to me and I personally blv it be the absolute truth.

In times long ago Genius was considered to be an external phenomenon or rather a spirit that possessed certain individual at certain time and place, which might have been triggered by some thought, or work or environment. Now this idea or thought process, as true as they blvd it to be, did two things very effectively:
1. The individual who was “possessed” the genius was indeed free of any obligation as he was a mere medium rather than the Genius itself. [Imagine a writer or painter not having to worry about facing a writer’s/ Painter’s block.]
2. These said people were free of any adulation and subjected to merely being respected, for the same reasons stated abv.

Ask anyone who writes or paints or does any work of creativity, and more often than not they would agree that, beyond doubt that they are “in the flow” at times, times like when they come up with the most beautiful words to put across their ideas, the finest details in theirs paintings, handle and transform the most delicate notes in music, and seamlessly so. That is the moment when they are possessed by the GENIUS. All of them will tell you that it’s not them who choose the time and place and frame of mind to be creative but it’s this certain “something” that shows up unannounced and makes you go into that mode. If that moment is past you then that piece of creativity is lost on you. You cannot conceptualize or think of an idea when u are possessed by it and work on it at a later point in time. Nope Nope. The genius would have left you by then. Taking that piece of creativity with it, to find another body to transcend into and make that it’s medium.

As among most of the other things, it seems like the GENIUS has it’s favourites and it chooses to be more kind on SOME than it is on others, that or these SOME individuals have found a secret way to invoke the genius that others are yet to figure. Nevertheless, the so called Genius, i blv, transcends into each one of us, may be in different capacities, in ways that you may not take notice, but it does. What you make of it, or rather how much or little, is solely left to what the Genius has to offer to you or what u can personally make of it.

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